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Take the guesswork out of your return with our Simple CD.

Save money and earn a market rate with a certificate of deposit (CDs) from FBT Bank & Mortgage. We offer multiple methods of interest payouts-by check, capitalization or direct deposit into a checking or savings account. Stop by and visit with a customer service representative about terms and rates that help you make a smart, simple investment.

*Penalties apply for early withdrawal.


Enjoy your retirement. Plan ahead with our Simple Freedom Retirement options.

We offer many types of individual retirement accounts (IRA) investments, from long-term Certificates of Deposit with a fixed rate, to variable-rate 18-month accounts you can deposit into any time. You can open your IRA with a minimum balance of just $25. Start planning for your future today. Stop by and visit with a customer service representative about preparing for tomorrow under our Simple Freedom Retirement options.

Visit one of our Customer Service Specialists today to discuss how FBT Bank & Mortgage can develop a savings and investment plan that meets your needs today and tomorrow!